I came across an article from The New Republic with the headline that claims something like “We’ve never been here before” in relation to Trump, and it really ticked me off.
There have been loads of presidents who have violated the law, the Constitution, basic common sense and more. The fact that this president was held accountable AT ALL, is an incredible leap forward when compared to the rest of American history.
We have never been precisely here before, but we are in a much better place compared to when that one president locked up all those Japanese Americans in camps or when what's his face marched all those Native Americans to their deaths, or all those other presidents who were generally ok with owning slaves and/or having slavery being legal.
Sadly, any accountability for a US president is better than what we've had before now. Should we still be angry and continue to demand accountability? Of course. But let's not lie about where we are, especially since the past sucked way worse long before Trump was indicted.
Might Trump present a bigger threat to modern democracy? Probably, but America has had some serious dark points in the past and it has continued on. And I feel like we can feel more hope for America’s future if we are honest about its past.