Morning Musings 1.16.25 The Price of Eggs
There used to be a common phrase in the US: “That’s got nothing to do with the price of eggs.”
I don’t hear or read it hardly ever these days. These days we say that the economy is going great because the stock market is doing great. This means that the rich are getting richer.
But I wish we’d go back to caring about the price of eggs again. $7 for 12 eggs seems like a lot to me. Should eggs ever cost that much?
The majority of our economy is powered by the majority of the American citizens but none of us are rich. What happens to us can limit our ability to feed the machine that is our economy which feeds the corporations and the rich. We saw that during the pandemic.
Yet, we don’t focus on how hard it is for most of America to feed itself. We focus on how easy it is for the rich to get richer.
And that’s got nothing to do with the price of eggs.